Who We Are

We provide employment support services in Delaware. We work with job seekers to find and maintain competitive employment.

We work with employers by matching job seekers with the need of the business.

We specialize in employment services to meet job seekers needs with barriers in different areas.

employment support services in delaware
Emotional, mental and/or substance abuse disabilities
employment support services in delaware
At risk youth and young adults
employment support services in delaware
employment support services in delaware
Gaps in work history
employment support services in delaware
Those who just need a second chance

For Job Seekers

Brothers & Associates understands that, historically, not all opportunity is equal; and all of our employment services give special considerations to address historical in-equalities, collateral consequences, and offer potential opportunities to job seekers. We achieve this by offering employment, training, and support services in Delaware.

For Businesses

Brothers & Associates understands that employers are seeking eager, dedicated, and well-prepared team members. We work with employers who seek to repair historical injustices and are dedicated to removing barriers and developing an equitable and mutually thriving workforce.

We ensure that all job seekers are vetted and prepared to successfully meet employment opportunities and employers’ needs.

Request free consultation with Brothers & Associates

For all inquiries call Brothers & Associates at: